Make Travel Easy with Travelsist
By Alyssa DiTomasso @ Star94

October 16, 2023
Travelsist Founder Veronica Woodruff saw a way to streamline your airport experience with her one of a kind idea giving airport travelers the one on one treatment they need and deserve.
The Inspiration
Woodruff came up with the revolutionary idea from working in the industry for years, and being a traveler who needed an extra hand herself. The idea behind Travelsist is to help any traveler, whether it’s the busy mom needing an extra hand with all the luggage, an experienced traveler who might have mobility issues and our handicapable friends and family who need accommodation while navigating the airport.
How it Works
While many airports have accommodations for travelers, the accommodations can be hard to find, and often only take travelers so far. Travelsist takes airfare flyers from a - z on their traveling needs. Incredibly, these tailor made experiences not only take the stress out of navigating the airports, but also allow family and friends to enjoy the flight knowing their needs are being met. Woodruff compares the user experience similarly to when a person orders an Uber. All users have to do is download the app which is currently only available on iOS, request a ‘Travelsistant’, the combination of Travel-Assistant, and let Travelsist lead the way.
Center-stage at TechCrunch
Recently Veronica and her team at Travelsist were featured in the TechCrunch Disrupt 2023 as part of Startup Battlefield 200. She shared that while it’s been intimidating working in a space that’s been predominantly male dominated she believes in her and her team to power through to continue to provide this awesome service to all travelers from all walks of life. As for what we can expect down the road, Veronica and her team are hoping to make as many non-fliers fliers with the ease of Travelsist. Plus she’s opening the door to the job market with many new jobs as her team is rapidly expanding and needing on Travelsists on the ground helping travelers navigating the airport. For more information about Travelsist for jobs and requesting a Travelsist visit